Return and Refund Policy
Returns & Exchanges
We are sorry if you are not 100% satisfied with the items you received, and we are happy to accept returns within 30 days of receipt for most items in new condition.
Please contact customer service by submitting a ticket on our website, indicating which item(s) you wish to return and the reason for the return. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
After receiving return instructions from us, please pack the item(s) in its original packaging.
Take your package to the local post office.
Most returns are processed within 5 business days after we receive your package. We will refund the amount to your Luoika wallet, unless you have specified otherwise in advance and want the amount transferred to your checking account. The wallet balance can be used on your next purchase or transferred to your checking account. Once your refund has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email.
Return conditions
Return address
If you wish to return items to the nearest return address, please submit a ticket through your account. Our customer service team will contact you within 24 hours.
Note: Please do not send your return to the address on your package. This is not our return address and may affect the processing of your return.